What is Moxibustion?


Moxibustion is a form of heat therapy used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to release cold or stagnant conditions and improve circulation of Blood and QI (energy) to promote healing. It is also used to treat breech babies to a head down position before childbirth. Moxibustion consists of burning the dry herb Artemisia (Mugwort) near the skin or on an acupuncture needle. Patients feel a warm heat sensation that penetrates the skin.
Reasons to consider Moxibustion:
Cold limbs, sore throat, scrofula, unremitting toothache, excessive yawning, lack of appetite (for food or drink), tinnitus, pain or swelling in feet or knees, one-sided paralysis, heavy ache in back, difficulty to sit, stand or walk, facial swelling, muscle spasms, fullness in chest, hernia, dim vision, infertility, turn breech babies.