New Patient Information

The Holistic Healing Pagoda is a private clinic located in Barneveld and Verona, Wisconsin.

For directions and a map, please visit our LOCATION page.

Many patients find it helpful to print and fill out the forms before their first visit, to save time at the appointment.
If you are able, please do so.

Reasons to Try Acupuncture

• Acupuncturists view an individual as a holistic whole, meaning each part of the body is interrelated and interconnected, thus functioning as an integrated whole.

• Acupuncture helps to energize the self-healing and allows the body to restore itself.

• Acupuncture can support and strengthen the immune system.

• Acupuncture can be used as preventative medicine.

• Acupuncture can assist in quitting smoking.

• Acupuncture can treat over 50 western diseases.

• Acupuncture is safe and painless.

• Acupuncture is natural, drug-free and effective.


What to Expect at an Acupuncture Appointment

At the initial exam, a full medical health history is taken. Personal information is gathered regarding health, symptoms, and lifestyle. The physical exam includes tongue and pulse diagnosis. This takes approximately 2 hours.

PULSE DIAGNOSIS: The practitioner will palpitate 12 pulse positions on each wrist. Each of these positions corresponds to a specific meridian/organ and reflects their overall health. Problems often appear in the pulse.

TONGUE DIAGNOSIS: The tongue is a map that acts as a mirror, as it reflects the general health of the meridian/organ. The practitioner will examine the color, shape, cracks and coating of your tongue.

After gathering the above information, the practitioner is able to diagnose and identify any specific imbalances of Qi and develop an individualized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. The practitioner will then insert very fine, sterile one-time-use needles at specific acupoints on meridians. Insertion of needles is safe, painless, and effective in unblocking and balancing Qi. Acupuncture allows the Qi to circulate freely throughout the body, thus eliminating pain, restoring balance and harmony, and providing increased nourishment to the cells, muscles, organs, glands, and tissues.